The Faculty of Agriculture of Son La College is conducting Animal Husbandry - Veterinary Medicine at 2 levels of training: College system (three-year training for high school graduates or equivalent) and Middle school system (two-year training for students graduating from secondary school)
The Animal Husbandry - Veterinary profession aims to train students to become working staffs with professional morality, job conscience and good health; provides suitable conditions for employees to find jobs, and at the same time have the ability to study and improve themselves to meet the requirements of socio-economic development.
The training program covers the basics of animal science, animal nutrition and health applied to different species and breeds of livestock, breeding and breeding techniques, nutrition and food, raising pigs and poultry, veterinary pharmacology, forms of raising livestock and poultry, nursing care of animals; animal management, clinical pathology, diagnosis of internal and external diseases, obstetrics, infectious diseases and animal testing and the basic contents of information technology, foreign languages, physical education, law, national defense and security.
In detail: The training program includes basic modules such as:
- Anatomy of animal physiology:
The course content includes basic knowledge about the position, morphology, structure and physiological function of organs in the animal body.
After completing the course, learners can locate, recognize shapes and understand the structure and operation of organs and apparatus in a normal body.
- Veterinary pharmacology
The course content includes basic knowledge to identify pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine, to know the main and side effects of drugs.
After completing the course, learners know how to select and use commonly used drugs in the field of veterinary medicine.
- Breeds and propagation techniques
The course content includes basic knowledge in the field of breeding, mating, breeding and artificial insemination techniques for livestock.
After completing the study, learners know how to evaluate, select and combine varieties in crossbreeding to get good and suitable breeding stock for each specific breeding condition.
- Nutrition and food
The course content includes basic knowledge of food and nutrients in animal husbandry, how to process, preserve and coordinate rations for livestock.
After completing the course, learners know how to choose and coordinate ingredients to make animal food, process and preserve food, and prevent and treat nutritional diseases in livestock.
- Experimental methods
The course content includes basic knowledge of experimental methods (methods, principles to organize an experiment, analyze results, and write an experiment report).
After completing the course, learners can perform an experiment (including organizing, monitoring and performing the entire experiment), analyze the experimental results, and write a report on the experiment that has just been organized.
- Veterinary law
The course content includes basic knowledge of legal documents related to the animal husbandry industry.
After completing the course, learners propagate and mobilize organizations and individuals related to animal husbandry activities to well implement the guiding documents on the implementation of the veterinary ordinance.
- Pig raising
The content of the course includes basic knowledge of pig breeding, nutrition and food for pigs, building barns, feeding, care and disease prevention processes to effective production management in pig farms.
After completing the course, learners must recognize pig breeds, choose pigs for meat and breed pigs, know how to mix, test, store and use food, build and manage different types of pigsties.
- Poultry farming
The course content includes basic knowledge of poultry raising techniques such as breeding, building cages, choosing and using food, raising, caring, managing poultry flocks, and hatching techniques.
After completing the course, learners will be able to master every stage of poultry rearing, caring and hatching techniques.
- Cattle Raising
The course content includes basic knowledge of the biological characteristics of cattle, the technical process of cattle raising such as design and construction of stables, selection of breeds, selection and use of food, and the ways to take care of cattle, nursing care, disease prevention and treatment and livestock management.
After completing the course, learners are able to master the technical steps in the process of raising cattle and buffaloes on a domestic, cooperative and farm scale.
- Diagnosis and internal diseases of cattle
The content of the course includes basic knowledge of the origin of the disease, how to diagnose, prevent and control common medical diseases.
After completing the course, learners will be able to control livestock in the examination and treatment using the correct examination and treatment instruments proficiently in medical examination, prevention and treatment of common medical diseases.
- Surgery and obstetrics
The course content includes basic knowledge of obstetrics and gynecological diseases that often occur in cattle.
After completing the course, learners will be able to prevent and treat some surgical and obstetric diseases in cattle.
- Veterinary Parasitic Disease
The course content includes basic knowledge of parasitic diseases in livestock such as causes, symptoms, diagnosis and how to deal with the disease.
After completing the course, learners will be able to treat some parasitic diseases in livestock and can devise a disease prevention process.
- Microorganisms and infectious diseases
The course content includes basic knowledge of microbiology and the pathological status of infectious diseases in livestock and poultry.
After completing the course, learners will be able to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases in livestock and poultry.
- Livestock Product Testing
The content of the module includes basic knowledge of pathology, veterinary law and the harmful effects of diseases on humans caused by the use of unusual meat.
After completing the course, learners know how to inspect meat so as not to omit disease conditions during the clinical examination or to omit lesions of diseases that can be transmitted to humans without damaging the commercial value of the meat.
- Graduation internship
Learners do small topics such as: organizing nutrition experiments, raising cattle and poultry, surveying livestock processes, methods of disease treatment, surveying disease status on a type of domestic livestock or poultry.
After graduation, learners are able to:
- Detect diseases commonly found in different livestock species to take measures to prevent and treat diseases.
- Be proficient in the use of means of service in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine;
- Select varieties, food combinations to diagnose diseases through clinical symptoms;
- Use common veterinary drugs and vaccines on the market to prevent and treat livestock diseases;
- Ability to self-organize, manage and raise livestock according to domestic and farm size.
After graduating, learners can become college technicians, professional intermediates in Livestock and veterinary medicine, can take on tasks at veterinary stations, livestock farms, commune veterinary networks, wards and support engineers in their professional fields. Having the right career motivation, agile and honest manner in professional activities and consciously improving in learning, constantly bringing new technical advances into the production field of the industry in order to create products of high quality and economic value for society.
The intermediate training program of Animal Husbandry - Veterinary Medicine is built in connection with the College and University System of Livestock - Veterinary Medicine, so learners, after graduating from secondary school, can study continuously to higher levels.